We appreciated the enthusiastic response to our webinar series and are happy to announce that the recordings are now available to those who participated as well as those who were unable to do so. Click here to access the recordings. And please subscribe to our mailing list to be among the first to know about any other new, virtual IISC offerings.
Please note that IISC is also available to deliver one or more of these webinars live to you and your colleagues, grantees, or other stakeholder groups. Please reach out to Sara Oaklander to learn more.

Have COVID-19 and social distancing thrown you into the unfamiliar world of virtual meetings as the only way to connect? While there are plenty of tips and tricks circulating about how to make your virtual meetings more effective, join us to learn how to make them more equitable by leading with love, nurturing networks and relationships, and managing power dynamics.
This free series of webinars will help you integrate the collaborative values and practices of
Facilitative Leadership for Social Change into your virtual work.
Session 1: Managing Power Dynamics in Virtual Meetings.
Wednesday, April 15. In this webinar you will learn to:
- Articulate how facilitative leaders understand what power is and how to work with power dynamics
- Use meeting design considerations to normalize discussions of power and share responsibility for shifting power dynamics
- Use facilitation tips and the role of facilitator to make it easy for everyone to participate
Session 2: Designing for Love and Equity in Virtual Meetings.
Wednesday, April 22. In this webinar you will learn to:
- Articulate why bringing love and equity into virtual meetings is an important practice for facilitative leaders
- Use transformative prompts, mindfulness and affinity spaces
- Use arts and healing to bring love and equity into your virtual meetings
Session 3: Balance the Dimensions of Success: Results-Process-Relationship.
Wednesday, April 29. In this webinar you will learn to:
- Articulate why focusing on multiple dimensions of success is important to your virtual meetings
- Balance your focus on results, process, and relationship as a leader
- Design your virtual meetings to balance results, process and relationship
Session 4: Collaborative Decision-Making and Shared Leadership.
Wednesday, May 6. In this webinar you will learn to:
- Articulate what “shared leadership” is and why it’s important to organizations, networks, and the world right now
- Promote equitable leadership and operate in ways that foster “power-with” instead of “power-over”
- Engage stakeholders in collaborative decision making