An Introduction to Advancing Racial Justice in Organizations

Why now?
Now more than ever, change agents in organizations large and small need new tools and a fresh perspective to catalyze and sustain the work of racial justice. Whether you are already leading or want to lead racial justice work within your organization, ARJ will introduce essential skills and tools to help you move forward collaboratively with your colleagues. 

What will you learn?

An Introduction to Advancing Racial Justice will equip you with frameworks and tools to:

  • Articulate a vision for what racial justice and liberation could look like in your organization or network
  • Understand how to factor the current context into your work for racial justice and make a case for the changes to your strategies and approach that may be needed
  • Identify your unique personal and organizational contributions to the wider racial justice ecosystem

The sessions will be organized around three critical questions:

  • Session 1: What does racial justice and liberation look like? How might a more equitable organization or network look, feel, and function?  
  • Session 2: Where are you and your organization or network in the wider racial justice ecosystem? How can you stay receptive and attuned to yourself and others as you navigate complexity and lead your change effort?
  • Session 3:  How are you assessing the context and current realities of your racial justice work? How are you helping others to understand the importance of pursuing racial justice and adapting your strategies to meet this moment?

Please join Cynthia Silva Parker and Simone John for three two-hour sessions on Zoom, to be offered on Wednesdays: October 2, 16, and 30, 2-4pm ET. 

AND…in the meantime…IISC is offering a free quarterly community of practice for anyone who is working with others to advance racial justice within their organizations or networks. This community of practice – facilitated by Cynthia Silva Parker and Amy Casso – is a place to explore challenges and share successes and encouragement as we work to advance racial justice. Register here to join us for one or both of the sessions still to be held in 2024:

  • Tuesday, September 11, 2:00-4:00 PM ET
  • Tuesday, December 11, 2:00-4:00 PM ET
