Alia Lahlou

Affiliate Consultant/Trainer

Alia Lahlou (she/her/hers) holds a vision of a more beautiful world that centers people and planet. She has partnered with a wide range of changemakers over 15 years of professional facilitation experience in convening design, mediation, organizational development, non violent communication, anti-oppression and social justice facilitation, circle work, somatics, and various healing and community building modalities. She is a core member of the facilitation team at YES!, working at the meeting point of personal, interpersonal, and systemic transformation, as well as at Interaction Institute for Social Change, building collaborative capacity and transformative leadership for social justice.

At the root of all of Alia’s work is a dedication to creating brave spaces for people to grow and to (un)learn in community. She has worked in nearly twenty countries on five continents. Alia grew up in Morocco and has degrees in international relations from Brown University and Al Akhawayn University. She is deeply inspired by the life and work of James Baldwin, particularly his simultaneous and uncompromised commitment to both justice and to love. She strives to walk through the world with authentic attention to both.

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