Learning Experiences offered within your Organization or Network

IISC’s most popular and sought after workshops are available for delivery to your organization or network. Consider the options and complete this form to request scheduling of a workshop for your group. Please note that the form will ask you to affirm you are aware of the workshop pricing, as detailed below for each offering. Thank you!

Facilitative Leadership for Social Change

Facilitative Leadership for Social Change (FL4SC) develops practical collaborative skills and tools for tapping our individual and collective creativity and experience as social change agents. At the heart of the workshop are powerful leadership practices that make it easy for all of us — regardless of race, class, gender, ability, sexuality, and other identities and experiences — to offer our perspectives and talents, speak up when we have problems, take initiative, make decisions, work with others, and share responsibility for the health of the team.

More details about the workshop can be found on the Facilitative Leadership for Social Change page on our website.

FL4SC is currently available as a series of seven three-hour sessions on Zoom and as an in-person workshop. A team of highly skilled IISC trainers will guide you and your colleagues through a series of interactive learning experiences – whether on Zoom over the course of several weeks or together in-person over the course of two days. The online workshop offers participants the opportunity to practice what they’re learning between sessions. The in-person workshop offers a more consolidated, focused experience with the benefits that come when we gather together.

Costs for delivery on Zoom are inclusive of all prep, planning, delivery, tech support, and e-materials for 24 participants, as well as time following the session in support of integration of the learning.

Nonprofit Organizations: $43,450 * Foundations: $54,550 * Social Venture/For-Profits: $65,650

Costs for delivery of the workshop in-person are inclusive of all prep, planning, delivery, and materials for 24 participants, as well as time following the workshop in support of integration of the learning. Expenses incurred for travel to the workshop delivery site are not included in these fees and are billable at cost.

Nonprofit Organizations: $30,900 * Foundations: $39,400 * Social Venture/For-Profits: $47,525

Complete this form to request scheduling of a workshop for your group.

Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work

Are you interested in deepening your team members’ skills for facilitating effective conversations about race, racism, and racial justice? Would you all like to be better equipped internally to hold space and be ready to respond in challenging moments when facilitating these conversations?

As facilitators, we strive to be effective at helping people of diverse identities explore race, racism, and racial justice in ways that support them to work together constructively. This workshop will deepen your team members’ skills to do just that.

FFRJW is offered as a series of five three-hour sessions on Zoom or as a two-day in-person workshop.

Additional details about can be found on the FFRJW page on our website.

Costs for delivery of the workshop online are inclusive of all prep, planning, delivery, tech support, and e-materials for 24 participants, as well as time following the session in support of integration of the learning.

Nonprofit Organizations: $33,600 * Foundations: $42,200 * Social Venture/For-Profits: $50,900

Costs for delivery of the workshop in-person are inclusive of all prep, planning, delivery, and materials for 24 participants, as well as time following the workshop in support of integration of the learning. Expenses incurred for travel to the workshop delivery site are not included in these fees and are billable at cost.

Nonprofit Organizations: $30,900 * Foundations: $39,400 * Social Venture/For-Profits: $47,525

Complete this form to request scheduling of a workshop for your group.

Advancing Racial Justice in Organizations

Has your organization made a commitment to racial justice and then struggled to move from statement-making to action? How true is your statement today? How is your race, equity, and inclusion team faring in its justice work within a contentious political climate? If you’re searching for tools to meet the moment and advance racial justice in your organization, this three-part experience might be just want you and your team need. The content offered in the ARJ sessions will equip you and your colleagues with frameworks and tools to design and lead collaborative change processes in your organization. You’ll gain skills for modeling racial justice and racial equity tools and practices within your organization

More details can be found on the ARJ page on our website and we invite you to contact us for information about ARJ for your organization.