Managing Effectively: Slow Down; It’s The Holidays

December 17, 2012 Leave a comment

The following post has been reblogged from Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide e-newsletter. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! 

“We need to slow down; stop, look, listen and appreciate the talent around us.” — Sam Zell, Chairman, Equity Group International

“Is there room for our souls in this holy season?” — The Reverend Samuel T. Lloyd III, Priest-In-Charge, Trinity Church in the City of Boston

1.  Managing Effectively: Slow Down; It’s The Holidays

We are reminded by Sam Zell and Sam Lloyd to pause and reflect on our fellow beings and on our soul.  Because we do not feel qualified in this space to help us reflect on our souls, let us refer you to for more insights from Reverend Lloyd.

As for our fellow beings, and perhaps to help us reflect on our souls, as well, it is important to clarify our sense of purpose as managers, as professionals and yes, perhaps as human beings.

Questions we can ask to help us manage more effectively and work more purposefully include:

  • What am I doing today?
  • Why am I doing it?
  • What are my broader goals?
  • What are our organizational goals?
  • What are our team goals?
  • What am I working on and accomplishing today which will help me achieve my goals and us achieve our goals?

Bottom Line:  When we start and continue each day answering the above questions, we manage and work more effectively and purposefully.

2.  Reducing Stress: Helpful Tips

By popular request, we will include these today and on Friday, December 21 only.

Especially with the Holidays upon us, as well as end-of-year pressures, here are 20 quick tips to reduce stress (think of these like a restaurant menu; pick and choose what works for you):

  1. Do you eat at least two balanced meals each day?
  2. Do you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night?
  3. Do you give and receive affection regularly?
  4. Do you have close relatives within 50 miles on whom you can rely?
  5. Do you exercise to the point of perspiration at least 3 times a week?
  6. If you smoke, do you seldom smoke cigarettes?
  7. Are you the appropriate weight for your height?
  8. Do you have an income adequate to meet your expenses?
  9. Do you get strength from your religious beliefs?
  10. Do you regularly attend club or social activities?
  11. Do you take fewer than 3 alcoholic drinks per week?
  12. Do you have a strong network of friends and acquaintances?
  13. Do you have close friends you can confide in about personal matters?
  14. Are you in good health? (includes hearing, eyesight, teeth)
  15. Do you speak openly about your feelings when you are angry or worried?
  16. Do you have regular conversations with family members about problems, chores, money, and daily living issues?
  17. Do you do something for fun at least one time per week?
  18. Are you able to organize your time effectively?
  19. Do you drink less than 3 cups of coffee, tea or cola per day?
  20. Do you take quiet time for yourself during the day?

Bottom Line: Pick and choose no more than 3 of these which are most important to you, and focus on them for the next 9 weeks, taking #1 for the next 3 weeks, #2 for weeks 4 through 6 and #3 for weeks 7 through 9.

3.  Giving Thanks: Worthy Causes

A gentle reminder to us all, especially through this Holiday Season, to give what we can to help others.

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