September 21, 2022
IISC is delighted to announce the launch of our online networks for participants of any one of our three workshops: Facilitative Leadership for Social Change, Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work, and Advancing Racial Justice in Organizations.
All past workshop participants are invited to join a facilitated LinkedIn group to connect with others. The groups will be a place to share successes and challenges, exchange resources, ask questions, and support each other in continuing to apply and practice the workshop frameworks and tools.
In addition, all group members will be invited to attend quarterly online gatherings hosted by a talented lineup of IISC facilitators. These gatherings will be a space to connect with others and to continue to build on the content and experience of the workshops.
IISC has long dreamed of creating these communities and we are delighted to launch this project with the support of The Kresge Foundation.
If you have attended a workshop and are interested in joining us, please complete this short survey. Survey respondents will receive a link to join the LinkedIn communities. We are excited to welcome you into the IISC community in this new way as we grow our network of social change practitioners.
September 29, 2020
We’re in a pandemic, Trump/Facism exists, racism is unrelenting, and there are wildfires, hurricanes, and floods.
You’re not alone
You’re deeply precious
Your existence truly matters.
We will learn
We will get a vaccine
We will fight the forces of tyranny, desperation, and hate
And time will seem to pass slowly
but we will see our fight pay off.
It’s normal some days and the next hour to feel like you don’t want to
wake up
or feel anything
It’s ok to feel like quitting or giving up.
It’s abnormal to work for social and racial justice in individual rooms
by ourselves
or on a lonely but better than no connection Zoom.
in a society that’s hurting us and others.
The work we do is hard and encompassing
Please pause and take care of yourself.
Give yourself a walk around the block
Talk to a friend even if you don’t feel like you want to
Take a personal or sick day just because you need the wellness and healing
Work less than 40 hours (who said 40 hours is even optimal and efficient?)
Free your mind of guilt no matter what you perceive or understand from others
We are here to build
and not necessarily to “serve” which is an anti-self care mindset if we’re not careful.
Your heart and spirit
is our heart and spirit.
Let’s check in on each other. A quick call, text, gif, laugh or spaced visit.
Let’s do one thing.
It will never be small
to help move ourselves
and this country in the direction we desire and imagine.
I love your humanness, your frailty, your strength.
Forgive me if I am not always my best
But I will try my best to
stay brave,
and whole
for me,
for you,
and for the world.