Rev. Starsky Wilson on Love
April 24, 2014 1 Comment
This year at the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) National Conference, Curtis Ogden asked a big question:
I want to pick up on what Rev. Wilson was evoking a little while ago in terms of the prophetic imagination. In our organization as we do collaborative capacity building we talk about love and love as a force for social transformation. Here in a room of philanthropists – lovers on mankind – my question to the panel and to others is, how do you take love seriously as a force for social transformation? What’s love got to do with it?
This question spurred a Huffington Post article by Kathleen P. Enright, President and CEO of GEO, on the role of love in philanthropy.
Here is a short and inspiring video from the GEO conference where Rev. Starsky Wilson answers Curtis’s question and mentions his entire organization completing IISC’s course, Facilitative Leadership for Social Change.
1 Comment
Yes! I have been hearing lately about research on empathy and decision making. No surprise that people make decisions in favor of people with whom they share empathy, an important element of the love that does justice. It’s hard to take risks or direct resources to people that you don’t actually care about! That’s a little bit of what love’s got to do with it!