Ode to Melinda

March 9, 2012 Leave a comment

Our hearts and spirits have been moved by Melinda Weeke’s love, passion and commitment to our work.  The following is a small tribute to a powerful and beautiful sister who has forever shaped our lives for the better.  We wish you the best and we will miss you!  We LOVE you. 

Through thick and thin. Truthful you have been.  Hanging with uncertainty

Sashaying with complexity. Witty and musical. Fearless and spiritual

You bring it home. With charm and aplomb. Lead on, my sister, lead on

Gracias – un millón. I love you

And I will miss you


Melinda, you have shown us what it means to serve clients and interact with one another with authenticity, strength, humor, wit, grace, and style.   AND you’ve modeled what the core values of Facilitative Leadership looks like in action.  You’ve also shown us what it means to be brave and speak our truths at great potential risk for the sake of all.  One person really can make a difference, especially if they’re Melinda Weekes!  I am truly honored to have had the privilege of working alongside you for the past 5 years and I look forward to our continued relationship as you move onto the next stretch of your journey.  Wishing you great blessings as you find your way.


“Melinda is a constant and skilled teacher in the value of speaking truth.  And she is a bright sparkling light whose warmth will be missed immediately.”



“I was deeply moved by Melinda’s design and facilitation of two powerful intra and inter-generational dialogues at gatherings of the Campaign for Black Male Achievement, convened by the Open Society Foundation. I watched four generations of black men (and a few women too) experience the gift of this extraordinary space and unique conversation, which Melinda so thoughtfully and passionately held the space for. Melinda, I have learned so much from you! I will miss your laughter, your honesty, and your wise words. LYBT!”


“Many blessings to a sister who keeps it real!”   


Go n-éirí an bóther leat”…  Melinda.   Here’s to your energy and passion”.

“Heartfelt commitment to the work, executed with passion and flair!”

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  • Melinda Weekes says:

    Beloved IISCers….you’ve outdone yourselves! I am sooooo humbled by this amazing, public, and sweet surprise farewell post….Its filled with L to the O to the V to the E and I feel it! I receive it! Truly this was a blindside of blessing for me to see all this love here on the internet for me! What an exceptional community you are~ Here’s to continuing to stay connected, and real, and committed to…. the work, to justice, to each other. Yo tambien te amo. Yo tambien te amo. XOOX

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