An Evolving Relationship: Goodbye from Gibrán
November 30, 2015 2 CommentsToday marks my last day at the Interaction Institute for Social Change. This has been my professional home for the last 10 years. IISC is the community that has shaped me and my capacity to fulfill my life’s purpose. I am eternally indebted to this place. This is the platform that has allowed me to make my contribution to our quest for liberation. I leave with love, appreciation and commitment to our evolving relationship.
It has been a privilege to work with the passionately committed people who make up this community. I am honored by the years of wrestling, seeking, experimenting and innovating that make us who we are. I am excited by the new direction that IISC is taking and I cannot wait to see what happens in the world now that our eyes are set on Big Democracy.
I leave IISC in order to focus on the work I’ve been developing through; work that is anchored by the idea of evolutionary leadership. My focus is on cultural work and it is concerned with a just transition beyond this climate crisis and towards a new and generative economy. I want to be a part of defining new ways for us to be together in this world.
I will be an IISC affiliate as well as a potential partner in future creative work. We remain allies in this effort to optimize life at the intersection of love and freedom.
The honor and privilege are mutual, Gibrán. And we’re all counting on a continued partnership as well as seeing you realize your vision of a better world. So much love and mutual admiration!!
Adding to the gratitude. I’ve learned a lot from you Gibrán and am grateful to have been colleagues all these years. Blessings!